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Rediscover Yourself, Rekindle Your Passions, and Step Fully into the Life You Desire.

I help heart-driven women

Remember who they are — beyond the titles, to-do lists, and everyone else’s expectations. With the Akashic Records, we’ll clear the clutter, spark new possibilities, and tap into a self-love so real you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it. Trust your intuition, follow your bliss and happiness, and create the life you came here to truly experience.

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Every woman deserves to remember who she truly is — the version of herself that’s beyond the roles, the to-do lists, and what everyone else expects.

Through the Akashic Records, I help you reconnect with your authentic self, reignite that real, soulful self-love, and create a life that feels really good.

This isn’t about just getting through the days — it’s about living a life you absolutely love, one that lights you up.

Kasia in a nutshell

Akashic Records Consultant

Kasia is a past life healer, 6th generation psychic, and channel for the collective spark ECHO. She's an international Spiritual mentor and Akashic Record reader, supporting Souls in their human experience here on Earth whilst helping them remember their connection to the Astral. Kasia works with her clients to uncover their life purpose, heal past life wounds, break soul contracts, as well as assist them in elevating them to their most optimal timelines. Kasia is also Speaker and creator of the spiritual podcast Soul led, Spirit driven.  ​  If you wanna grab a cuppa... here is my story My Mum and my Grandmother way back when we lived in Poland and Germany, were practicing tarot and pendulum but nothing ever left the house. I was possibly too young to understand then that we lived in a very catholic country, and that although my family wasn't particularly religious, being 4th and 5th generation psychic the witches wound must have been still raw... I had my own deck of tarot since I was 10...and I thought it was normal. Surely everyone has a deck of tarot, just like playing cards... except none of my friends did. I wasn't allowed to take them to school. So of course... I did! It gave me finally my moment in the sun when kids weren't mean to me, but instead they came to me for advice.... you see, the things I told them seemed to come true. But if you asked me then I could swear I was just making it all up. as I got older, and we moved to Australia, I started seeing more serious things, but unlike a professional Tarot reader I had no when those serious predictions came true.. I got scared, that I jinxed my at the age of 19 I shut it all down. As my awakening was unfolding, and I reconnected with my Guides, and started remembering my stories before birth, my gifts. Family members came forward sharing memories of little 4 year old Kasia talking about invisible friends that she could descibe with precision. They resembled people from the early 20th century, and how she became scared of the dark as she grew older... and just like that I collected missing pieces of the puzzle, and knew, this is a gift... It's what I'm here to others understand their humaness, uncover their greatness and help them during their own awakening. Past lives and energy healing are just some of my modalities. But what I really, really want to tell you is ... I love Seinfeld, and have watched it so many times that sometimes a little bit o Seinfeld-ism sneaks into my work I make THE best plant based hot chocolate! And Smoothies... you haven't had a proper smoothie till you had my spiced christmas pumpkin smoothie I'm a Mintakian/ actrurian healing and the ocean are my jam and I will probably try to convince you to meditate...even challenge you to a 4am Meditation

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ways to work with me 

1:1 sessions



Corporate and Schools

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Book Now

1:1 sessions


$99 - 30min
$144 - 60min

Have a burning question that you really need some guidance for? The SPIRIT session is divinely channeled information from your Akashic Records.  We go right into the Akasha to see what information your Akashic Records hold around this specific issue.  We also use my tarot cards to create the visual and my Astral team E C H O to give us the understanding and intergration so that the information that comes through is specific and not just fluff. I find that often loved ones will pop in with their guidance too which is always lovely and gives a feeling of familiarity. This immersive session is tailored to empower and enlighten you on your journey, and answer those pressing questions.  To gain clarity please make sure you have no more than 3 questions for this session. Any more and we may not get through them all, as the answers are delivered in a detailed and loving way, so as not to create overwhelm. Book this SPIRIT if you have 1-3 questions and experience the power of this divinely-guided, 1:1 session via zoom.

Career sessions

You're doing ok in business but would really like to know how to move the needle more...or faster... Perhaps you are considering a different path but aren't sure whether it's the right time/move/ decision for you? Maybe you are on the Psychic development path and would like a potent 1h Mentoring session to see whether you're on the right track? to tweak  your practice so it's more powerful - because we don't know what we dont know. Whether what you're experiencing or not experiencing is right? Not quite ready to join SoulSchool or PRACTICUM just one hour of power within your Akashic Records will do. This session is for you. We will look at what your energy field is doing, and manipulate your energy to align you to your ideal time line, desire outcome.   into your Akashic Records and with the help of my Astral Team E C H O you will receive the highest possible guidance. Are you ready to elevate your business or take your psychic development to the next level? Your Guides and Akashic teachers and myAstral team will empower you to find your purpose, path and direction.  This is not your average 'business mentoring'  or 'psychic mentoring' session. You don't need to hear my thoughts and experience, what you want is the information contained within YOUR Akashic Records as that will unlock something within you to propel you to that next level! Replay will be sent to you within 48h

60 min - $166 

life purpose session

90 min - $333

This is the session that will reveal to you your life purpose, your Work purpose, the lessons that you are here to learn and navigate through… this gives great insight into your relationships and the dynamics. Why you keep repeating certain patterns. we will travel through Your Soul's Journey through Past Lives Your Soul’s Purpose, Your mission.. Your Soul's entire blueprint The sacred information contained within this reading is so specific it has transformed my clients in many ways: - helped them get unstuck wherever they felt stuck - align themselves with their most ideal timelines - take leaps - start new careers - call in love - create better relationships - create more abundance - call in more money - be happier more at peace This session is a re-discovering of who you truly are, finding a deep sense of meaning and purpose in your life, and sets you up to finding true happiness from within. 1.5h live 1:1 online session with me to uncover how much more there is to you below the visible tip of the iceberg. Although the information will take about 90min, we are on Spirit time so please allow for up to 2h I know that after all the information that you receive here, you might wonder where to now? To help you intergrate it all and expand further you will receive the opportunity to do EarthSchool for $1 for the first month. There you can continue with this journey of activating your powers





In Person

in Lakes Entrance and Melbourne areas

Every Monday evening at Breathing Space, Lakes Entrance I run immerssive and 

"After following Kasia for a little while I had the pleasure of enjoying an unveiling session with her last week. A truly amazing experience. Kasia took me on a journey that was mind blowing and I know this will be just the start of a journey together" 

- Charlotte Harding

I recently completed a workshop with Kasia, it was more than I expected, Kasia is very knowledgeable and explained things clearly so that I understood the information and is an beautiful soul. I learnt so much and I’m excited to see where my journey will take me. Thank you for sharing your insight.

- Emma Stawicki

 "I had a past life reading with Kasia and it was absolutely mind blowing!!... I had this amazing picture of where my soul has been & what I'm here to do in this lifetime. So inspiring- would highly recommend!"

- Sammy Anne



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